Syracuse University’s M.S. in Supply Chain Management | OnlineSyracuse University’s M.S. in Supply Chain Management | OnlineSyracuse University’s M.S. in Supply Chain Management | Online
The Syracuse University Whitman School of Management M.S. in Supply Chain Management online is designed for professionals motivated to make meaningful decisions.The Syracuse University Whitman School of Management M.S. in Supply Chain Management online is designed for professionals motivated to make meaningful decisions.The Syracuse University Whitman School of Management M.S. in Supply Chain Management online is designed for professionals motivated to make meaningful decisions.
100 Years
The Nation’s First Supply Chain Program
Experienced Whitman Alumni
Lean Six Sigma
Certification through Program Capstone
Influence All Levels of Supply Chain Management
The Martin J. Whitman School of Management’s online M.S. in Supply Chain Management will equip you to leverage risk management, financial management and digital supply chain strategies. As a pioneer in distance education, the Whitman School provides the top-quality education professionals need to succeed. The program capstone is also registered as a certified training provider for the Council for Six Sigma certification and provides students the body of knowledge necessary and eligibility to pursue a Green Belt certification from the American Society for Quality.
Learn the same curriculum content as in Whitman’s on-campus program, the nation’s first supply chain management program established more than a century ago. Whitman’s expert instructors prepare students with the supply chain expertise to oversee the life cycle of a product and pursue advanced career positions driving innovation. As an online business program committed to supporting our students, the Whitman School combines invaluable resources and individualized attention for each student.
Join the Next Generation of Supply Chain Leaders