Course DescriptionsCourse DescriptionsCourse Descriptions
Online Master of Social Work Courses
Courses from the School of Social Work’s online Master of Social Work programs are designed by the same renowned faculty members who teach on campus. All course descriptions for the Traditional and Advanced Standing online MSW programs are listed below.
SWK 601: Fundamentals of Social Work Practice I
Gain an introduction to direct practice in social work. Two frameworks inform course readings and discussions, the generalist and ecological perspectives. These frameworks provide practical tools for assessing common challenges that social workers face in their practice. Through course readings, you will learn to formulate effective interventions with clients and client systems. Class exercises will be used to develop direct practice skills that apply to working with diverse communities. Field-based assignments will advance your conceptual grasp of the fundamentals of social work practice and build a foundation for advanced concentrations.
- SWK 671
SWK 602: Fundamentals of Social Work Practice II
Learn to understand how communities, political systems and organizations shape possibilities for actors within them. This course is also designed to prompt you to think about how to act strategically within these institutions to advance social justice. This course examines the strengths of diverse communities in relation to best practices. Attention is given to assessing community and organizational assets and needs, as well as engaging in policy advocacy. Building upon Social Work Practice I, you will use exercises and projects to develop the knowledge necessary to apply macro skills in your social work practice.
- SWK 672
SWK 611: Social Welfare Policy and Services
Learn about the history and philosophies underlying social welfare policy in the United States and the policies and programs currently in place. Attention is given to the economic, political and social factors that influence policy. The values, ethics and roles of the various social policy actors, including social workers, in the evolution of selected human service policies and programs designed to achieve social and economic justice also are addressed. Methods of policy analysis, strategies for affecting policy and the differential effects of policies on racial and ethnic minorities and other population subgroups are examined. You will be introduced to, and apply, basic techniques of policy analysis as a component of public policy development and implementation.
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In this broad-based foundation course, you are encouraged to understand that human behavior—individual, family, group or in larger communities—is influenced by a wide array of factors. Sociological theories of institutions and psychological theories of behavior are explored separately as well as integrated into bio-psycho-social-spiritual and ecological systemic models. SWK 626 uses biological, psychological and socio-cultural content to analyze human behavior and development and the functioning of social systems. Theoretical conceptualization is within a developmental socio-ecological perspective on the reciprocal relationship of persons and social contexts. The course is designed to sharpen your capacity to understand and systematically explain human behavior and social events you will face in human service positions, and to consider the pragmatic, political and ethical dimensions of these explanations.
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After reviewing a brief history of mental health practice with military service members, veterans and their families, you will gain an understanding of the unique demands of the military and its influence on the service member and the social worker. It will entail a thorough review of command structure, the NASW code of ethics and ethical dilemmas social workers encounter when working in a military environment. In this course you will examine the many complex aspects of trauma and available evidence-based treatment modalities. In addition, the course will highlight the effects of trauma on the entire family unit, impacting children and spouses. The role of psychological stigma, systemic and organizational barriers to care will be explored. The role of social workers in assisting the service member with reintegration back into the civilian sector and access to VA care will also be examined.
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How, do you, as a social worker, ethically and effectively engage with people who are different from you? How does your own social location in terms of race, class, gender, sexuality, age, (dis)ability and other factors affect the way you view problems and solutions? How can you challenge identity-based oppression rather than reproducing it through your work with vulnerable people? In this course, these questions will be explored as you learn about the broad spectrum of human diversity as well as the structural inequality, discrimination and privilege that give our differences serious real-world consequences. You will become familiar with various conceptual lenses for understanding difference and its consequences, including multiculturalism, social constructionism, critical race theory and intersectionality. Special attention will be paid to issues of concern for social work practice with a diversity of individuals and communities in the U.S. In this course, you and your peers will explore your own multifaceted identities and investigate some of your own experiences with discrimination and privilege. You will develop proficiency at talking with others about difference in ways that are respectful, reflective and conducive to mutual learning and growth. And you will practice using the ideas encountered in course readings to critically engage with current events and your experiences in the field.
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Prepare for the design and execution of research in human service settings. Emphasis is placed on the development of research skills for the integration of research and practice. You will have the opportunity to practice research activities through a set of exercises that require the development of a research proposal, the review of data collection instruments, a review of computerized data analysis, a review of internet-based research and a critical analysis of the social science literature.
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Learn to apply knowledge, social work principles, values and methods and obtain increasing competence and skill for professional practice. This course has two components: an internship in an approved social service agency under the supervision of an agency-based field instructor and a seminar that meets weekly with an instructor.
- SWK 601
SWK 672 Field Instruction II
Learn to apply knowledge, social work principles, values and methods and obtain increasing competence and skill for professional practice. This course has two components: an internship in an approved social service agency under the supervision of an agency-based field instructor and a seminar that meets weekly with an instructor.
- SWK 602
SWK 707: Short-Term Intervention in Social Work
This advanced social work practice course in short-term interventions is designed to provide you with an introductory level of efficient and effective knowledge for application of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, cognitive therapy and narrative therapy to resolve personal and interpersonal problems. Foundational work will include the evolution of short-term methods, the difference between long- and short-term models as well as basic skills necessary to ensure genuine, empathetic and respectful therapeutic rapport and assessment. Emphasis throughout the course will be placed on working with individuals, families and couples from diverse backgrounds and those who have experienced trauma, crisis or grief.
- SWK 601
SWK 709: Practice With Children, Adolescents and Families
Perform an in-depth analysis of issues commonly faced in working with children, adolescents and their families. The course investigates the principles at work in the dynamics in these families and in the organizations in which they are situated. Using a systems theory approach and current research findings, the course focuses on treatment approaches that are most efficacious in the remediation of specific problems for children, adolescents and families.
- SWK 730
SWK 714: Supervision, Consultation and Staff Development
Examine the organizational context of administration, education and supportive social work supervision, staff development and consultation. Research shows that the quality of an organization’s supervision and management has the greatest impact on social work staff job satisfaction, quality of work, morale and staff development. The course aims to introduce you to the principles, methods and techniques of social work supervision. Emphasis is on enhancing staff motivation, morale and effectiveness.
- SWK 602
SWK 715: Administration in Human Services
Familiarize yourself with the three primary supervisory tasks: administration, education and support. You will learn the difference between supervision and leadership, assess your own leadership style in a variety of ways, and learn several leadership techniques. You will also become familiar with various administrative roles, such as program assessment, team building, human resource management, board relationships, working with the media, budgeting and ethical practice.
- SWK 601 or Advanced Standing status
SWK 724: Psychopathology
Examine the stressful processes of human living, focusing on attitudinal and behavioral responses that may be maladaptive. Traditional and contemporary theories and classification systems, as developed by the mental health disciplines, are studied, as well as relevant perspectives from sociology, anthropology and biology.
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Gain an introduction to the theory and practice of family therapy. The course reviews the development of the seminal thinking about family systems and family therapy. It also studies the various theories and approaches that have emerged more recently. Consideration is given to the paradigm shift represented by the systemic/cybernetic perspective, as well as postmodernism and the related ideas of constructivism and social constructionism. Course objectives will be met through a variety of methods, including lectures, assigned readings, writing assignments, experiential exercises, films/videos and class discussions. There will be a planned template of topics for each class session as to the proposed focus and direction of the session, but topics may be moved or continued to the following week depending on the necessary extension of any given discussion.
- SWK 626
SWK 732: Advanced Practice with Individuals, Families and Groups
Application of systems thinking to advanced social work practice with individuals, families, and groups. Issues of aging, family mental health, child welfare, adult services, and health are interwoven into practice scenarios in an effort to explore the multiple problems faced by clients on a regular basis. This course builds on the social work foundation practice courses and the Social Work 730 Family Systems Theory course. The emphasis is on a systems approach to practice. The basic systems paradigm provides the context for practice. Students are expected to learn advanced skills and methods necessary for working with individuals, families, and groups in various settings. Problem definition and proposed solution through a variety of methods and related skills will be introduced. Various views of change within a systems framework will be explored.
Students are expected to be in field placement while taking this course. Field experiences will be integrated throughout the course.
An additional perspective for this course is that of viewing the family approaches studied in SWK 730 (Family Systems Theory) not just as theories or practice models but also as “archetypes,” that is, typical sets of assumptions human service providers have about people and the change process. This perspective adds a “self-reflective” dimension to the course from which the student is challenged to deal with differences and diversity. This course integrates bio-psycho-social-spiritual and ecological-systemic models in considering human behavior and the functioning of social systems. Content on assessment; treatment planning; and the impact of gender, race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, power, and privilege will be addressed in this course.
- SWK 730
- SWK 771
SWK 733: Social Work Practice in Mental Health
Advanced practice course in clinical social work concentration. Focuses on integration of knowledge in Social Work program, while including group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and professional use-of-self perspective. This course in the Clinical Concentration builds on the social work foundation practice courses, SWK 601, SWK 730, and SWK 732. Students are expected to learn advanced skills and methods necessary for working with clients in various settings. The course emphasizes the professional use-of-self and integrates bio-psycho-social-spiritual and ecological-systemic models in considering human behavior. Students will have the opportunity to learn principles of group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and psychopharmacology. This course will also include content on assessment and treatment planning. The impact of gender, race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, power, and privilege will be addressed throughout the course. Class sessions will build on knowledge from other courses in the curriculum and will include the opportunity for discussions of field experiences, case presentations, and feedback from colleagues and instructors. This course will be taken concurrently with field practicum.
- SWK 732
SWK 735: Principles and Methods of Social Work Practice With Black Families
Explore the principles and methods in working with Black families. Various practice interventions will be examined within the cultural context germane to this population with respect given to historical underpinnings that have molded the consciousness of the Black experience in America.
- SWK 601
SWK 739: Applied Neuroscience in the Human Services
This course explores key findings in neuroscience and consideration of implications for human service practitioners across disciplines and settings. Facilitates integration of scientific findings, related controversies, and ethical issues into approach to practice and policy. This course examines key findings in the rapidly expanding field of neuroscience and explores related implications for practitioners across disciplines and human service settings. The goal of the course is to enable students to integrate and apply cutting-edge scientific findings and an understanding of the related controversies and ethical considerations into their approach to practice and policy with respect to a range of human and social problems. Topics to be covered include the neuroscience of trauma, addiction, and aggression; the neurobiological underpinnings of decision-making and memory; and issues of gender difference in brain function. Attention will also be given to recently developed technologies for observing the human brain, the history and philosophy of clinical diagnosis as related to psychopathology and deviant behavior, and the differential impact of factors such as race, SES, and gender on access to treatment vs. punishment for those with neuropsychological or neurophysiological disabilities. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to take a critical stance vis à vis the implications of neuroscientific findings for our understanding of how human beings function and in ensuring ethical practice in human service settings.
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Preparation for clinical practice with individuals who have experienced complex trauma. Current interventions for trauma treatment and factors involved in appropriate treatment selection are addressed. The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of current approaches and best practices in the clinical treatment of adults who have experienced complex trauma. Trauma theory, diagnostic principles, and the predominant treatment models and associated techniques will be explored, as well as related clinical dilemmas and controversies. Psychopharmacological approaches in conjunction with psychotherapeutic modalities will be discussed. Selection and application of appropriate intervention approaches based on specific type and timing of trauma and access to resources will be considered.
- SWK 671
SWK 743: Advanced Integrated Social Work Practice
Gain a set of social work skills that includes integrated assessment, intervention planning, intervention methodologies and direct practice in multidisciplinary teams. These skills will be presented with application in contexts such as aging, child welfare, mental health and health care, as well as micro to mezzo linkages in community-based practice. The course presents conceptual frameworks for integrated social work practice that build on your understanding of systems theory, empowerment theories, strengths-based perspectives, and evidence- and trauma-informed practice.
- SWK 601
- SWK 771
SWK 754: Death, Dying and Terminal Illness
Develop an understanding of death, dying terminal illness and coping with trauma and loss impacting individuals, families and identified social networks. In this course, you will study social work practice, theory and ethics surrounding the dying process.
- Previous clinical coursework
- SWK 601 (or taken already in a previous term)
SWK 761: Integrated Behavioral Health Policy
Build on your foundation in social welfare policy. Content focuses on the analysis of policies and programs in the mental health arena and the processes for policy advocacy and policy development and implementation in mental health. Special attention is given to public understandings of mental illness, stigma and how these and the definition of mental illness shape policies. Also examined is the organizational structure in both the public and the private sectors for services delivery, the financing of mental health services, the rights of persons with psychiatric disabilities, rights involving mental health treatment and differences in service use by different population groups. Topics of special importance to social work practice, including confidentiality and duty to warn, are covered.
- SWK 611
SWK 768: Family & Child Welfare Policy
Familiarize yourself with a range of policies affecting families and children, with particular emphasis on the political and institutional questions raised by the delivery of services to vulnerable populations. We will examine policies and programs in two broad policy areas: family policies that affect all and/or high-risk populations of families and intensive interventions through the child welfare system to protect children.
- SWK 611 or Advanced Standing status
SWK 771 Field Instruction III
Participate in a supervised practice experience in social agencies related to your concentration choice. The course has two components: an off-campus internship in an approved social service agency under the supervision of an agency-based field instructor and a seminar that meets weekly with an instructor.
- SWK 732 (ACP Concentration) OR SWK 743 (AIP Concentration)
SWK 772: Field Instruction IV
Participate in a supervised practice experience in social agencies related to your concentration choice. Field Instruction is provided in collaboration with human/social service agencies, forming an integral part of the preparation of students for professional practice in social work. The concentration field experience emphasizes the knowledge, values and skills of advanced social work practice. You and a field instructor will cooperatively use a formal instrument to develop an individualized Professional Development Plan (PDP). This document details the opportunities/activities that will permit you to demonstrate the knowledge, values and skills that support the attainment of the program competencies and advanced related practice behaviors. As a student social work intern, you will be expected to carry a number of client cases, projects and assignments specific to your concentration level and focus. In addition, as a concentration-level student, you will be expected to organize your workload to demonstrate the assumption of personal responsibility for planning and setting priorities with regard to use of agency time and resources, and to take increased responsibility for your own learning through productive use and content of supervisory sessions.
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Prepare to participate in the planning, development and funding of social service programs in both private nonprofit and public settings. Emphasis is placed on the development of skills that combine the technical aspects of grant-seeking with the analytical skills of social planning. Technical, political and methodological factors will be explored. Methods of identifying and accessing various sources of financial support will be included. Although proposal writing will be the major focus, other forms of fundraising will be covered briefly. You are not required to have prior proposal writing or fundraising experience. Although not required, it is recommended that you have field placements or are employed in agencies where you can participate in program development and/or proposal writing activities concurrent with this course. You must at least have access in some form (e.g., as a volunteer, prior placements) to an agency for those activities.
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This course is designed for students whose primary interest is in the evaluation of health and human service programs. While the course emphasizes the internal evaluation of service delivery programs, connections are also drawn to policy level evaluation and the evaluation of clinical practice. The overall purpose of the course is to help you develop the conceptual knowledge and research skills necessary to evaluate social work practice in its many forms and applications. The course first presents an overview of basic elements of program evaluation and examines the agency context of evaluation, using your field placements. You will develop a program description and visually portray program theory. Building on this, the course addresses how to develop meaningful, context-appropriate evaluation questions of needs assessment, program monitoring, process evaluation, outcome evaluation or cost analysis. We then review the conceptual and methodological tools and procedures needed to design an evaluation that would answer the questions. Finally, the course addresses how to develop a communication and reporting strategy that will maximize utilization of what is learned from evaluation. Throughout the course, ethics and cultural competence are addressed as core issues of evaluation practice. You will also become a more critical consumer of published research and evaluation literature.
- SWK 662
- SWK 771 OR SWK 772
SWK 776: Clinical Practice Evaluation
You will take this course in tandem with your field placement and focus on the evaluation of clinical practice. The course covers principles of measurement, single system design, critical thinking in clinical decision making, quantitative and qualitative methods of systematic self-evaluation, instrument design and data analysis.
- SWK 662
- SWK 771 or 772
SWK 777: Community Organization and Development
Develop an advanced understanding of community economic development in urban and, to a lesser focus, rural areas within a social work framework. Throughout the semester, emphasis will be placed on the usage of a variety of community economic development tools. Social and cultural factors including race, class and gender are placed at the center of community development approaches and are woven into the course throughout the semester. Correspondingly, social work values of self-determination, advocacy and social justice form the basis upon which various practitioner approaches and methods are developed.
- SWK 602
SWK 781: Alcohol and Other Drugs in Social Work Practice
Learn relevant theory and skills needed by social workers to address the alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems they will encounter with clients in various practice settings. The course uses lecture, discussion, case study, videos, music and field experiences to facilitate learning in the following areas: current theory pertaining to AOD problems, the role of self-help (mutual aid) groups, assessment strategies appropriate to human services settings, motivational enhancement, relapse prevention, family issues, key public policy issues and the chemical dependency treatment system. The influence of gender, age, race, disability and sexual orientation on addiction and recovery are also addressed. In keeping with the “personal awareness” aspect of social work practice, the course involves critical exploration of your own attitudes and beliefs regarding AOD.
- SWK 601