An 8-foot-tall man who tries to sit in the typical airline seat will likely have difficulty squeezing into a row designed for a person of average height. Their height is not good or bad; it is simply a characteristic that isn’t particularly helpful in this context. It could, however, come in handy during a basketball game. While most people can see the pros and cons of being exceptionally tall, not all characteristics that deviate from the “norm” are afforded the same balanced perspective. People who are neurodiverse, which can include having ADHD, ADD or autism, are often looked at as […]
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According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 40.3 million people ages 12 and up experienced substance use disorder (SUD) in 2020 (PDF, 3.8 MB). Of those treated for substance use disorder, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has reported that 40% to 60% relapse. Due to stigma, relapse is often considered a failure, but relapse, which marks a return to chronic or patterned use, can also be considered an opportunity to improve one’s treatment. For loved ones, relapse can be scary, but it may be comforting to know that SUD relapse, according to the NIH, occurs […]

Reporting beats, or specialized subjects that a journalist will stick with day in and day out, become sections in the paper and separate pages on a website. Sports, travel and tech news are clearly delineated to the eye, but those divisions are often blurrier than they appear. Julian Glover, adjunct faculty at the Newhouse School and Race & Culture reporter at ABC7 San Francisco, says it is difficult to fully untangle the implications and history of race from every other beat. “We can really look at all of those different slices of life, those different sections in the newspaper, and […]