Syracuse University’s iSchool Online Curriculum
The iSchool’s online graduate programs feature the same curriculum content as the full-time, on-campus programs, and graduates earn the same Syracuse University diploma.
Explore Our Online Degrees
To learn more about our curriculum, courses or credit requirements, select your program of interest below:

MS in Applied Data Science
The online Master of Science in Applied Data Science program meets the same high academic standards of Syracuse University’s on-campus program. The curriculum is 34 credits and can be completed in as few as 18 months. Designed to provide you with critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the curriculum is structured as follows:
Primary Coursework – 18 Credits
Build foundational knowledge and skills in preparation for more advanced data application and techniques.
Secondary Coursework – 6 Credits
Choose six credits from one of the following tracks.
AI Track
- IST 664: Natural Language Processing (3 Credits)
- IST 691: Deep Learning in Practice (3 Credits)
- IST 692: Responsible AI (3 Credits)
Big Data Track
Data and Business Analytics Track
Data Pipelines and Platforms Track
Language Analytics Track
Project Management Track
- IST 644: Managing Data Science Projects (3 Credits)
- IST 692: Repsonsible AI (3 Credits)
Visual Analytics Track
- IST 719: Information Visualization (3 Credits)
- IST 737: Visual Analytic Dashboards (3 Credits)
Electives – 12 Credits
Choose any course from a different track for 3 credits, additional courses in your chosen track, or any course from the list below.
Exit Requirement – 1 credit
Choose specific projects throughout the program that best showcase your particular skills and demonstrate program learning outcomes. Completed projects are included in the final portfolio and submitted for review during your final term.

MS in Information Systems Executive Program
The online Master of Science in Information Systems Executive Program meets the same high academic standards as Syracuse University’s on-campus program. The curriculum is 30 credits and can be completed in as few as 15 months. The curriculum is structured as follows:
Primary Coursework – 12 Credits
Build the foundational knowledge and skills upon which advanced courses are based.
Electives – 15 Credits
Students must select five (5) courses from the following list. Students may also petition up to two courses (6 credits) of graduate work, level 600 or higher, to count towards these electives.
- IST 608: Blockchain Management (3 Credits)
- IST 615: Cloud Management (3 Credits)
- IST 618: Information Policy (3 Credits)
- IST 623: Introduction to Information Security (3 Credits)
- IST 625: Enterprise Risk Management (3 Credits)
- IST 636: Leading Issues in Information Security (3 Credits)
- IST 645: Managing Information Systems ProjectsIST (3 Credits)
- IST 652: Scripting for Data Analysis (3 Credits)
- IST 659: Data Administration Concepts and Database Management (3 Credits)
- IST 671: Foundations of Research Methods in Information Studies (3 Credits)
- IST 687: Introduction to Data Science (3 Credits)
- IST 719: Information Visualization (3 Credits)
- IST 722: Data Warehouse (3 Credits)
Exit Requirement – 3 Credits
Students register for IST 755, the MSIS Capstone course, after the successful completion of IST 614 and at least 24 credits in the degree program.

MS in Library and Information Science
The 36-credit LIS curriculum is designed to prepare librarians who have the broad range of knowledge and skills needed for exemplary practice in the library and information profession. Students in the School Media specialization should consult the School Media specific curriculum. The curriculum is structured as follows:
Primary Coursework – 15 Credits
LIS core courses provide a solid grounding in the knowledge, skills, and values of the library and information profession. The 18- credit LIS core has three parts:
Introductory Core (3 Credits):
Information Resource Core (9 Credits):
Management Core (3 Credits):
Electives – 18 Credits
The 18 credits of electives allows students to extend their core knowledge and skills in directions of their choice. Students can select any graduate-level course in the iSchool, including those from the MS Information Systems or MS Applied Data Science programs. Up to six credits may be taken from other approved graduate programs. In selecting courses that are not LIS-focused, students should consult with the program director to ensure the appropriateness of the courses and consider how the electives will add to their knowledge and skill set as an emerging professional.
- IST 564: Accessible Library and Information Services (3 Credits)
- IST 611: Information Technologies in Educational Organizations (3 Credits)
- IST 612: Youth Services in Libraries and Information Centers (3 Credits)
- IST 615: Cloud Management (3 Credits)
- IST 625: Enterprise Risk Management (3 Credits)
- IST 635: Collection Development and Access (3 Credits)
- IST 645: Managing Information Systems Projects (3 Credits)
- IST 654: Information Systems Analysis (3 Credits)
- IST 659: Data Administration Concepts and Database Management (3 Credits)
- IST 662: Instructional Strategies and Techniques for Information Professionals (3 Credits)
- IST 664: Natural Language Processing (3 Credits)
- IST 668: Literacy Through School Libraries (3 Credits)
- IST 671: Foundations of Research Methods in Information Studies (3 Credits)
- IST 672: The Public Library as Institution (3 Credits)
- IST 674: Academic Librarianship (3 Credits)
- IST 681: Metadata (3 Credits)
- IST 682: Cultural Competence for Information Professionals (3 Credits)
- IST 686: Quantitative Reasoning for Data Science (3 Credits)
- IST 687: Introduction to Data Science (3 Credits)
- IST 707: Applied Machine Learning (3 Credits)
- IST 715: LAMS: Libraries, Archives, and Museums (3 credits)
- IST 719: Information Visualization (3 Credits)
- IST 973: Internship in Library Science (1-6 Credits)
Professional Pathways
Six professional pathways are offered to allow you to align your coursework to your professional goals. To learn more about each pathway and how they may match your career goals, visit our professional pathway page.
Exit Requirement – 3 Credits
IST 773 should be taken in the final term of the MSLIS program. This course is intended to facilitate a holistic, comprehensive, and reflective demonstration of the competencies students have learned in the program by allowing them to reflect on their body of work and make explicit connections among coursework and experience.

MS in Library and Information Science: School Media
The online Master of Science in Library and Information Science: School Media program meets the same high academic standards as Syracuse University’s on-campus programs. The curriculum is 36 credits and can be completed in as few as 18 months. The curriculum is structured as follows:
Primary Coursework – 15 Credits
Build foundation knowledge in introductory concepts, information resources, and management and policy.
Introductory Course (3 Credits)
Information Resource and Service Courses (9 Credits)
Management Course (3 Credits)
School Media Specific Coursework – 15 Credits
- IST 564: Accessible Library and Information Services (3 Credits)
- IST 611: Information Technologies in Education Organizations (3 Credits)
- IST 612: Youth Services in Libraries and Information Centers (3 Credits)
- IST 662: Instructional Strategies and Techniques for Information Professionals (3 Credits)*
- IST 668: Literacy Through School Libraries (3 Credits)
*Not required for certified teachers who may take extra elective
Electives – 3 Credits
Dependent upon transcript evaluation from undergraduate or graduate education courses, one elective may be taken from the Library and Information Science set of electives. Other classes can be chosen with program director’s approval.
- IST 635: Collection Development and Access (3 Credits)
- IST 671: Foundations of Research Methods in Information Studies (3 Credits)
- IST 672: The Public Library as Institution (3 Credits)
- IST 674: Academic Librarianship (3 Credits)
- IST 682: Cultural Competence for Information Professionals (3 Credits)
- IST 773: Reflective Portfolio (3 Credits)
Exit Requirement – 3 Credits
- IST 972: School Media Practicum (1-6 Credits) *must be completed after Fieldwork and consist of 480 hours of fully supervised school-based library experiences at the elementary and secondary levels (240 hours in each).
- IST773: Reflective Portfolio (3 credits) *cannot count towards electives if used as exit requirement.
Fieldwork – 100 hours
School media students must complete a total of 100 (non-credit) hours of fieldwork in elementary and secondary school libraries before their first practicum experience. A minimum of 15 hours must be with students with disabilities.
As of May 31, 2023 LIS:SM students that have either 1) completed a New York State registered teacher preparation program prior to enrollment and hold an Initial and/or Professional teacher certificate, (2) hold National Board certification, or (3) have at least one year of effective teaching experience under a valid New York State or out-of-state teaching license or certificate are required to complete 50 hours of student teaching or practica at either the elementary or secondary level.
For students who do not hold any of the teaching certificates listed in the paragraph above, 480 hours total of practicum experiences in Library Media centers at both the elementary (240 work hours) and secondary (240 work hours) levels is required.
Additional Requirements
Upon completion of the School Media Program, combined with New York State requirements including (1) completion of the New York State child abuse, substance abuse, and violence prevention workshops; (2) the Child Health and Life Safety Prevention workshop (fire and arson prevention; highway safety and traffic regulations and school safety patrols; child abduction prevention; and prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse)*; (3) fingerprinting; (4) Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) workshop*; and (5) successful completion of the appropriate New York State certification exams, students will have fulfilled all the necessary requirements for certification as a school library media specialist in an elementary or secondary school in New York State. The School of Education, with approval from the School of Information Studies, will recommend a student for a New York State School Media Specialist initial certificate, preK-12, necessary for employment for New York State public schools and accepted for employment by most other states. Students from other states must verify the certification requirements of their own state.