An International Residency in Dublin: Online MBA Student Q&A

In July, MBA@Syracuse students traveled to Dublin to learn about Ireland’s business culture, traditions, and consumers. We connected with Francisco Ventura, Jr., who joined the program in April 2015 and currently works in finance as an anti-money laundering compliance officer, to gain an inside perspective of the residency experience.
What was your favorite experience in Dublin?
The magical way in which we all just connected. For several of us, it was the second or third time we actually saw one another, but for many others it was the first time. Yet, it felt as if we had this long-standing bond. It was equally great to hear where folks’ lives were and what we all planned to do with our degrees.
How does this residency compare to other residencies you’ve attended with the program?
I’ve attended three residencies and this one was by far my favorite. Perhaps it is something about being abroad that allows for more bonding and a true sense of being there for a common purpose to learn and have fun together.
What companies/speakers did you hear from and what did you learn from them? Did any of these relate to your own work experience?
I visited companies such as Google, Dell, Teeling Whiskey Co., In the Company of Huskies, Irish Industrial Development Agency, and Storyful just to name a few. All added great value to this residency. These companies are doing great things through industry-leading innovation, all while preserving their rich culture. It’s just great to have been in a position where we could hear about growing pains, success formulas, and visions for Ireland’s future. It was especially great to have had Tony Cahalan, a senior manager at the Central Bank of Ireland, speak to us about his profession in the field of compliance. I have been in a similar role for almost 10 years now and to see the true global impact our work brings to the banking sector brought great validation for me personally.
Outside of the itinerary, did you do anything fun with your classmates?
Absolutely! Getting the opportunity to bond with my classmates was what made it all worth the while. A few of us met daily and took in all Dublin had to offer. This included touring the Guinness brewery, visiting the Famine Memorial by the Docklands, and cold adult beverages in the Temple Neighborhood ending the night with the locals loudly singing Wild Rover’s No, Nay, Never! Priceless!
Finally, what advice would you give to a student considering the international residencies with MBA@Syracuse?
Make it happen. I know that time, one’s job, family, or even finances make it challenging, but it is such a great experience and you truly come back with this proud sentiment of being part of a university that truly holds global recognition. I will forever look back at Dublin and associate it with the great bonds formed.