Coupons can make a dollar go further, and coupon-related discounts can add up to more than $3.5 billion in savings per year. In addition to being a great way for savvy shoppers to save money, they can be great for businesses, too.
Business Content
The average person can save thousands throughout their lifetime by maintaining a good credit score. It can knock down the interest rate on a car by 10 percent and cut the amount a person pays in interest for a college degree in half. Maintaining a good credit score can also keep you from joining the 1 in 10 unemployed people who are denied a job due to poor credit. This is why it’s important to understand what goes into maintaining a good credit score and to know exactly what your current credit score is.
When Jeff Bezos launched in July 1995, few realized how apt the name would become. The company’s original tagline was “Earth’s Biggest Bookstore.” Twenty years later, Amazon has grown to be more like its namesake—a vast ecosystem.
A florist shop today is a risky enterprise, highly dependent on holiday sales. In the United States, Valentine’s Day alone generates 40 percent of holiday revenues, with sales compressed into a few days, florists must have a plan of attack to survive. They need to be flexible to scale up their business to accommodate holiday sales, while still keeping their business afloat in the off seasons. Still, even with the best of plans, there are many possible pitfalls.
Though the term “sabermetrics” has only been around since the early 1980s, the practice of using statistics to gain a winning edge in baseball goes back almost two centuries. As the tools of sabermetrics continue to advance, teams like the New York Yankees and Mets are becoming more adept at using analytical tools to dissect the science of winning.
MBA@Syracuse student Geoffrey Haines is an active duty member of the Air Force. Currently stationed in Germany, he works in the intelligence field and has served for almost 11 years. Geoffrey recently attended a residency held on the Syracuse campus. We talked to him about why he enrolled in the MBA@Syracuse program and what his experience has been like so far.

Having a remote employee is a win-win scenario—for the employer and the employee. Many companies now recognize the mutual benefits of allowing employees to telecommute and are leading the way with remote employee options including Google, Dell, American Express, Aetna, Xerox, Humana, IBM, Microsoft, and Bausch and Lomb.

Innovative online retail companies are learning how to compete with well-established companies by creatively managing their supply chain. By combining best practices and technological advancements, these companies are disrupting their competitors while maintaining lean inventories and cutting out the middleman to deliver lower prices to consumers.
Smart, driven, and full of ambition, these 10 young entrepreneurs External link are making waves in the world of business. From Virginia to the Silicon Valley, selling sleep to playing cupid, these innovators are rethinking, reimagining and reshaping our world. Take a closer look at how these 10 entrepreneurs are turning their passions into profit, addressing social issues with creative thinking, and using technology to help make people’s lives easier...