Christopher Gere
Public Relations
Social Media Strategist, Texas Department of Public Safety
Why did you apply to the online M.S. in Communications?
I want to become more marketable in an ever-changing field and ensure that I have the tools to compete. I first heard of Syracuse University’s reputation from the military journalism programs they sponsor. Every graduate of those programs that I had the pleasure of working with was a valuable resource of professional knowledge. I hope when my education is complete I can one day return the favor.
What excites you most about starting your master’s degree?
I’m looking forward to the coursework and taking in all the knowledge of a rich and changing field. However, since starting my classes, I’ve realized how valuable of a resource my fellow classmates are. Since our first session together, I realized most of my new colleagues have similar mindsets and backgrounds, and it’s refreshing to have discussions with them. With this, I’m also seeing each new semester as a chance to expand my network along with learning from my cohort.
What is your intended specialization and why?
I chose Public Relations as my specialization. With my background in visual communications and public affairs, it seemed like a natural fit given the current landscape of digital media. Every organization needs help communicating and, to me, that is the basis of public relations. I hope that by choosing this specialization I can expand my skills and mature my point of view on digital communications.
What are your career aspirations upon graduation?
I hope to speak on behalf of a large organization, preferably a nonprofit or a company or brand I’m already quite fond of. Likewise, as a movie buff, I hope to create an avenue where I can share my thoughts and feelings about different aspects of the film industry. That would be a fun hobby, whereas being part of an entity that helps change people’s lives for the better would be a dream come true.
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