Natascha Trittis

Natascha Trittis


National Olympic Committee Marketing Training Manager, International Olympic Committee

What excites you most about starting your master’s degree?

The communications and advertising fields are changing rapidly, and I am most excited to learn where these fields are headed and apply this new knowledge in my current role. The program structure allows for each student to bring experiences from his or her professional life to the classroom, making the discussions and assignments extremely relevant and applicable. Since finishing my undergraduate degree, I knew that I wanted to continue my education, but I was adamant about finding a program that was exciting and inspiring. It is also fitting that as the communications industry turns its focus to the digital world, we are learning in a digital environment.

Why did you decide to earn your master’s degree through the online M.S. in Communications program?

What is your intended specialization, and why?

I recently chose the advertising track. In my various roles with the International Olympic Committee and Procter & Gamble, I have touched on several aspects of advertising, particularly from an Olympic-sponsorship perspective. Though my background is in hospitality and event management rather than advertising, I have found a strong passion here and am excited to further pursue this field and grow my knowledge and understanding.

How does the online M.S. in Communications fit into your life?

What are your career aspirations upon graduation?

My lifelong passion for sports and the Olympic Games has shown no signs of fading, so I hope to remain closely involved in the event but hope to take on a more advertising-specific role, either directly with a sponsor or within an agency. Olympic Games-related advertising has several nuances that require a bit more creativity to respect the guidelines, and it is precisely this challenge that I hope to further explore.

Tell us about your coursework and the delivery.

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